If you are interested in urban agriculture, download this 3C good practices guide


The Huerto de la Luna at 3C in Rivas Vaciamadrid was the space chosen for the day of exchange of experiences with a group of program activists, organized last Sunday, November 5. 3C Cultivating Climate and Community is Humana's urban agriculture program.

The objective was to bring together activists from various 3C gardens with the instructors and the rest of the Humana team involved to analyze the current operation of the program, review the positive aspects to strengthen them and identify those elements to improve.

Document with good practices and recommendations for the 3C program

The information, experiences and opinions collected have been integrated into this Program Document: Examples of good practices and recommendations for program implementation and replication.

This document aims to compile the successful practices identified thanks to the experience and participation of the beneficiaries, arising throughout the years of implementation of the program, paying special attention to good practices, the real impact and the learnings that emerged from the same.

The intention has been to gather lessons and carry out a critical interpretation in order to replicate the successful processes, in addition to sharing and clearly communicating the learning, in order to improve future interventions. Another purpose is to develop strategies for the development of more efficient processes in the revitalization of spaces.

The document can be used as a reference for possible collaborating entities when launching, renewing and/or replicating the program. It has been prepared based on the experience accumulated after nine years of implementation in Spain and with contributions from several activists.

The experience and methodology of project monitoring and evaluation have allowed us to generate a solid evidence base to prepare this document. Likewise, prior to its preparation, several meetings were held between the technicians and the team in charge of its monitoring and expansion.

You have more information about 3C Cultivating Climate and Community on the Program website.

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If you are interested in urban agriculture, download this 3C good practices guide-img1
If you are interested in urban agriculture, download this 3C good practices guide-img2
If you are interested in urban agriculture, download this 3C good practices guide-img3