24.04 Join The Secondhand Revolution


Humana has been in Spain for 31 years promoting the protection of the environment through the reuse of textiles and, thereby, promoting sustainable fashion.

There is no more sustainable garment than the one already manufactured, so one more year we want to join the commemorative and protest events on the occasion of the Fashion Revolution Day from our reuse work.

We believe that secondhand fashion is an affordable and sustainable alternative for the consumer compared to the current fashion linear production system, compared to fast fashion. It is also an alternative for the textile surplus that is currently in circulation as a result of unresponsive consumption habits. By donating what we no longer use, we avoid the generation of waste and allow other people to give them a second life, promoting a fashion industry based on a circular economy model.

From the Foundation we strive every day to help create a more respectful system with the environment and with people and communities. That's why today, April 24, more than ever we encourage you to join us in the fashion revolution, join the secondhand revolution.

24.04 Fashion Revolution Day. 5 years of the drama of the Rana Plaza Hotel in Bangladesh, textile factory in which more than 1,200 people died.

For more info visit I Love Secondhand



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