The OCU askes to remove the illegal textile containers


The Organization of Consumers and Users (OCU) has conducted a study on containers of used clothing in the main Spanish cities (Madrid, Barcelona, Seville and Valencia) in terminating the high number of containers of this type found outside the law. 

Therefore, the OCU has asked municipalities removal of these containers irregular. The organization calls also promotes textile collection in all municipalities.

The study, published in the February issue of the journal OCU-Cuenta Maestra, quotes Humana Fundación Pueblo para Pueblo as a fully accredited institutions for the collection of textiles thanks to the agreements it has with municipalities and businesses.

Humana currently has approximately 5,000 containers throughout Spain. They are legal, to be covered in agreements with more than 800 municipalities and 500 private companies.

Humana ensures that 100% of donations collected textiles and footwear in their containers allows obtaining resources for development cooperation programs in the countries of southern and welfare in Spain.

The OCU askes to remove the illegal textile containers-img1
The OCU askes to remove the illegal textile containers-img2