It's never late for learning


Reading, writing and arithmetic are critical to the development of people and, by extension, the communities where they live.

For a small farmer, it means being able to plan and carry out effective monitoring of agricultural production. You can also make the difference between having or not having the ability to create a family budget and, through him, to save. Or to acquire the skills to better manage in local markets and pay less for the same

For this reason, projects of agriculture and rural development Humana include classes for adults. In Gemena (DRC) within the Farmers Club program funded by the Spanish Agency for International Cooperation for Development (AECID), the project staff has facilitated between 2011 and 2014 has given class to 203 people (163 of them were women).

In Oio (Guinea-Bissau), an energy project financed by the European Union has enabled local schools start teaching evening classes for adults.

09.08 Internacional Literacy Day

Humana Day. Quality Education for Development

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