Humana Fundación Pueblo para Pueblo responds to El Español


With respect to the owner and the content of the news published by El Español on February 22, Humana Pueblo Foundation for People wants to make clear the following, in the light of the fact that it is dotted with falsehoods and inaccuracies:

-The only question that has moved us The Spanish has been the one related to the clothes that are sold outside of Spain. For the rest of the content, it has not taken the Foundation into account nor has it given it the opportunity to respond or offer first-hand information.

-‘Dark’: Our management model and our annual accounts are available entirely on our website. So we believe it totally false to accuse it of being "dark."

-‘Business’: We are a non-profit entity, whose legal figure is that of Foundation, accredited as ONGD. The net resources - benefits - that we generate each year are fully dedicated to our foundational purposes: the protection of the environment and the fight against poverty. There is, therefore, ‘business’.

-‘Se forra’: there is no profit, there is no business, therefore, the term‘ is lined ’is the least, unfortunate.

-The Humana model is based on the Waste Hierarchy of the European Union: we promote in the first place the prevention of waste generation, followed by reuse and recycling.

-The CO2 figures we handle are calculated based on a study by the European Commission that indicates that for every kilo of clothing that is recovered and therefore not sent to a waste treatment center for incineration or burial, they are left of emitting 3,169 kg of CO2. We don't say it, says the European Commission.

-Our activity is supported by the corresponding ISO, the EMAS certificate and the NGO Benchmarking granted by SGS. Humana is a member of the Spanish Association of Foundations and the Spanish Global Compact Network.

-We have no capacity to carry out the recycling of textile fibers. We focus on prevention and reuse. Therefore, garments that are not susceptible to being reused are sold to companies specialized in textile recycling. Currently, the Foundation works with several actors in the Spanish textile sector in order to close the cycle in Spain and ensure that garment recycling is carried out in our country, in order to manufacture recycled spinning.

-The impulse of the reuse of clothing outside Spain through its sale at low prices fulfills several objectives: it stimulates local trade, generates employment and offers the population the possibility of dressing with quality garments at prices according to their resources, given that do not have the ability to access new garments, outside the scope of their purchasing power. In addition, the resources generated through this process go to the development programs that Humana carries out with the help of its local partners.

-‘The Foundation generates bulky revenues that remind those of a private company and not so much those of a non-profit entity'. There is no correlation between the size of an entity and its legal nature. Humana is a medium-sized Foundation. There are other Spanish Foundations and ONGD’s with much higher budgets. And that is why its nature is not questioned.

-‘The bulk of its capital, almost 20 million, explains that it goes to "expenses of actions aimed at the sale of clothing", which does not specify what they are, and the collection and classification of garments’. We insist that our entire accounts are available on our website, so this accusation is simply and plainly FALSE, since they can know in detail what our income and expenses are.

-‘From Ecologists in Action already denounced that this entity "disguised as social" does not seek an environmental or social improvement but profit not confessed. "The tactic to protect yourself is to build a blurry shield based on contracts and agreements with public administrations or Department of Environment. That is, seeking support for an idea that reinforces your credibility and image of cooperation and social work," they point out from the environmental organization'.

* Did you denounce to that entity of the administration that social disguise? It is clear that we are a Foundation, with very clear foundational purposes and that our activity is devoted to these purposes.

* Blurred shield? We promote green and sustainable public procurement, public tenders and transparency in the sector. Humana has just won the tender competitions for textile management in Alcorcón (Community of Madrid) and Seville. More than 2,000 companies and municipalities throughout Spain guarantee our activity.

Humana Fundación Pueblo for Pueblo and the 650 people who are part of its team work every day to improve their processes, following the principles of the EU waste hierarchy and favoring the circular economy. With the added value that the entire textile management process generates the necessary resources to realize the international development cooperation programs in the countries of the South and local support in Spain in which more than 100,000 people are involved every year.

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