Humana is the pioneering entity in Spain in terms of selective collection and sustainable management of textile waste, with the aim of achieving maximum use of it to turn it into a resource for social purposes. After 37 years of activity, it has established itself as a relevant player in the social economy.

Each Spaniard throws away between 20 and 30 kilos of textiles each year, according to the Waste Agency of Catalonia and the Community of Madrid.

This represents one million tons per year. Only 10% is recovered by an authorized manager. 900,000 tons end up dumped, therefore, improperly.

In 2025, selective collection of textile waste will be mandatory throughout the European Union. Therefore, we are faced with an opportunity and an enormous challenge to give the final push to the appropriate management of this resource, faithful to the waste hierarchy and a circular economic model, in which the reintroduction of textiles into the production chain takes priority, prolonging their life cycle.

Currently, Humana has more than 5,300 containers for the collection of textile waste, distributed in the autonomous communities of Andalusia, Asturias, Cantabria, Castilla La Mancha, Castilla y León, Catalonia, the Valencian Community, Galicia and the Community of Madrid. About 18,000 tons of used clothing are collected annually.

Find your nearest container.


The Foundation has 2 Textile Waste Preparation Plants for Reuse in l’Ametlla del Vallès (Barcelona) and Leganés (Madrid) where a team specialised in handling and selecting garments, made up of more than a hundred people, works.

The Leganés Plant has two areas that together represent the largest facility in Spain dedicated to preparing textile waste for reuse, with more than 10,000 metres. 9 out of 10 garments would have a second life through their reuse or recycling. The Waste Management Hierarchy established by the EU is the framework within which this recovery work is carried out.

Used clothing that we do not have the capacity to process is sold directly to textile recycling and reuse companies.

The management process follows the specifications on collection and preparation for reuse of EuRIC TEXTILES, an entity of which it is a part through the Spanish Federation of Recovery and Recycling.

Once in our plants, it is subjected to a classification process that is carried out by professionals specialized in textile reuse. 


Humana has the certificate from the independent consultancy Mepex that accredits the traceability of the textile waste processed in its preparation plants for reuse in Madrid and Barcelona.

The Textile Transparency Report that accompanies this certificate shows that 63.5% of the textile waste processed by Humana is reused as secondhand products, either in Spain or globally.

You can find complete information here.

The distribution of processed textiles in 2023 was as follows:

  • 22% of the prepared used clothing is destined for the secondhand fashion stores that Humana has in Spain.
  • 41% of the processed clothing is exported, mainly to be sold at low prices to local merchants to satisfy the demand of these countries, promote local economic activity and generate local resources for development.
  • Around 28% of used clothing is in a state that does not allow its reuse as clothing, so it is sold to textile recycling companies.
  • 1% is made up of other recyclable waste that is placed in the hands of the corresponding authorized managers.
  • 3% is textile waste intended for energy recovery.
  • 5% is non-recyclable waste (unusable textiles and other non-recyclable waste).



Humana Humana